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June 7 2007, 10:11

Russia: prices for greenhouse cucumber exceed the past year data

Greenhouse complexes of European part of the Russian Federation inform that the prices for greenhouse cucumber have increased 15-20% comparing to the data recorded at the same period of time past year. To the opinion of the specialists of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits", this circumstance is preconditioned by several reasons.

First, the demand for greenhouse cucumber is high at the present moment despite of the cheaper produce from forcing frames available on market. Most probably, high quality is a key factor here. Second, the regular crop rotation is almost over in many complexes; as a result, the cucumber supply has declined, and the prices have occupied steadily high positions of $1.54-1.93/kg. The market specialists forecast, the prices for greenhouse cucumber will be kept within the limits of the mentioned price range at least till mid June.

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