There is no demand for ecologically safe produce in Lviv region
Only 2-3 farms in Lviv region grow ecologically safe produce. The situation is a little bit better throughout Ukraine - around one hundred farms grow plants without the application of toxic chemicals. But still, even chemical-free fruits and vegetables do not possess an international quality certificate now. This information was discussed on July 13th during the press-conference "Realities and perspectives of ecologically safe produce growing in Lviv region" held in Lviv Reform Press-Club.
Mikhail Yukhima has been working for many years in the farm owned by Lesya Yukhima in Village Sknyliv, Zolochivskiy district. The farmer told he has been growing production without mineral fertilizers and toxic chemicals for two years. "Of course, such production leads to losses. Past year the losses reached 30%, the same situation is expected in 2007. However, starting to grow the biologically pure products, first of all I think about children and grandchildren who eat healthy food", Mikhail Yukhima, the farmer, told.
The Senior Agronomist of "Kostiv" farm, village Polyany, Zolochivskiy district, mentioned that the grown ecologically safe produce goes to the common pool; it has neither demand nor its niche on market at the present moment.
Yaroslav Koval, the Chief of the Medical Commission, LLC "Green World" said that the consumption of agri-chemicals and contaminated products affects both intelligence and the consciousness of people. "Both power and people do not react now to the ecology. It is a great problem, because only the ecological education is the most efficient", Yaroslav Koval stressed.
Ivan Stephanishin, the Deputy Chief of Lviv Region State Administration on the issues of agricultural complex believes that the ecologization of the food products should be initiated on the legislative level. "The country should possess the relevant legislative basis to certify the products. We know that private sector produces 70% of food products, 80% of these farms apply chemicals", Ivan Stephanishin informed.
""Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" notes: there is no clear understanding yet in Ukraine what "organic produce" (or "bio-produce") is, and why it differs from the "ecologically safe" produce. Worldwide "organic agriculture" is anticipated as the agri-production practice, which does not apply synthetic chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, etc.); the soil is minimally tilled, no genetically modified organisms (GMO) are used. Any product can be called "organic" only in the case if this rule is strictly observed; it is confirmed by the international certificate issued by one of the authorized international certificators. In most cases fruits and vegetables may be certified only in a three-year period of observance of all rules of organic farming on the separate land plot. It is also worth mentioning that there are pretty lot of lands in Ukraine which can never be certified for organic produce growing because of the increased level of their contamination mostly by the industrial enterprises located close to these lands.