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July 16 2007, 17:31

"Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" decreases the forecast for potato production in Ukraine

The analysts of CIS produce business periodical, ""Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly" have reconsidered the forecast for potato production in Ukraine in 2007 after the analysis of the state of planted areas in the regions. Based on the gathered information, the experts of the journal decreased the forecast for planted and harvested acreage, and also the forecast for potato yield published in April 2007. At the present moment "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" forecasts that potato production in Ukraine 2007 may decline 1-2% comparing to 2006 despite of the fact that 5-10% production growth was earlier expected.

The forecast for potato production in Ukraine declined mostly because of the extreme weather conditions in May-July 2007, which have affected the state of plantings. The fields of early potato varieties suffered from frosts early May, from drought and heat in May and June in the southern regions of the country. Because of too hot weather and poor state of plantings even those producers recorded insufficiently high yield who produce potato applying drip irrigation. Potato stood temperature shock; it was vulnerable to diseases and pest injury. Moreover, in the conditions of hot weather the chemical potato protection assets were less efficient than usually.

We'll point out that the situation with potato was different in different regions. Greater than usual potato deficit is expected in the South this season. The northern regions provide the most part of the gross potato harvest in Ukraine: there were no rainfalls for 30-50 days in some districts, and regular rainfalls in the other. That's why the situation is unequal here. The same situation is observed in the central regions of Ukraine, which suffered from drought and heat even more than southern areas. In these regions the most part of potato is produced without irrigation. The potato situation is complicated on the East of Ukraine too. At the same time, the producers of the western regions expect relatively good harvest of late potato varieties.

It is worth mentioning that quite a lot of time is left till the beginning of harvesting season for late potato varieties, which provide the most part of potato harvest in Ukraine. So, the forecast may be again updated in case of the improved or deteriorated weather conditions. At the present moment the prices for potato tend to decline in Ukraine; however, this product still costs 50-70% higher than at the same time in 2006. Potato prices are 80% lower now than in Ukraine and 55% lower than at the same time in 2006 in the neighboring Poland.

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