How to find Russian buyers of fruits and vegetables without intermediaries?
On the 23rd-25th of October 2007 CIS produce business periodical, "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly jointly with Expomedia Events Russia conducts the second international conference "Produce business in Russia 2007. Market of new opportunities".
Due to the permanent monitoring of the Russian fruit and vegetable market the analysts of the periodical together with other leading experts of Russian produce business observed a large number of the attractive opportunities on this market. They will share this information during the conference.
In particular, the analysts point out a great potential of the production of fresh fruits and vegetables in Russia. Right now the growing consumption of fruits and vegetables is mostly satisfied by means of import in this country. Russia has already been one of the largest world importers of fruits and vegetables; it continues building up the volumes of import. It is interesting to mention that the majority of imported fruits and vegetables is supplied from the non-CIS countries. For example, the traditional apples on city markets and supermarkets in Russia are produced even in such remote countries as USA, Netherlands, Brazil, Argentina and Chili.
At the same time the suppliers of vegetables and fruits from CIS countries and other Eastern European states, and also many Russian producers often do not have a chance to sell their produce on Russian markets, because they do not possess direct contacts with the trustworthy wholesalers and supermarket chains; the producers often fail to know the major requirements to such supplies. The organizers of the conference "Produce business in Russia 2007. Market of new opportunities" decided to fill the gap; moreover, Russian wholesale companies themselves are actively seeking for an opportunity to diversify the purchase channels.
That's why the conference program includes two specialized forums "Wholesale center - how to work with Russian wholesalers" and "How to enter retail chains and successfully work with them?" To the addition to the practical information, all conference participants will be able to negotiate with the leading supermarket chains and large importers and distributors of vegetables and fruits in the framework of these forums.
We'd like to remind that if registered for participation in the conference until September 10th you can save RUR 1,750 on the participation of each delegate of the company.