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August 13 2007, 10:30

Population of northern regions of Ukraine sells the cheapest commercial apples

Market Monitoring Specialists of ""Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly" inform, the producers of juice, jam, puree and apple concentrate continue the campaign of the purchase early and medium apple varieties. The supply of early and medium apple varieties is higher comparing to the previous year; in this regard the prices are kept relatively low. The processing enterprises pay on average $0.1-0.14 for one kilo of commercial apple throughout the country. At the same time, large enterprises declare higher prices.

Despite of the supply growth, the demand for apple grows even more dynamically. The characteristic index of the demand growth for commercial apple is the activity of intermediaries purchasing apples in Sumskaya region; according to the data of the official statistics, this region occupies the last place among other regions of Ukraine as for volumes of grown apples and the acreage of apple orchards. Nevertheless, the intermediaries primarily focus on the apples grown in the orchards of the local population; they purchase this product for $0.04-0.06/kg. The wholesale shipments of the purchased apple are sold for $0.12-0.14/kg to the processing enterprises in the central and southern regions of Ukraine.

We'd like to remind that you have a chance to communicate with the largest producers of apples and other types of produce, and also powerful processors, wholesalers, supermarket chains and input suppliers, machinery and equipment on the 4th-5th of December 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv. This is a traditional venue of the international conference "Fruits&Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader". We'd like to remind that if registered and paid for participation until September the 1st 2007, you can save 800 UAH per each participant!

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