Poland: lack of apples and pears
Warsaw - According to the newest forecast of Central Statistical Office, this year's apple crop in Poland will amount only to 0,9-1,3 million MT, which is by 52-59% less than in 2006 (2,305 million MT). Such a huge drop has so far only been noted in 1990 after the very frosty winter. At the beginning of August, apples from the last year crop were still offered in retail (for more than 1 €/kg in case of Jonagold, Jonagored, Golden Delicious, Idared). First summer varieties were cheaper (from 0,26 €/kg for Yellow Transparent to 0,68 €/kg for Early Geneva) at the beginning of August. Better quality Paula Red apples were offered for 0,80 €/kg.
This year's pear crop in Poland could be the smallest in the last 20 years. According to the newest forecast of the Central Statistical Office, Polish growers will pick no more than 30 thousand MT (comparing to almost 60 thousand MT in 2006) of pears, mainly Conference (the only variety which wasn't 100% destroyed by frosts). By the end of July, the first Polish pears of the new crop (very low quality) were offered for 1,05-1,32 €/kg, while pears imported from Spain were sold at 1,32-1,58 €/kg .