Market Players Are Not Confident in Prospects Concerning Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Product Export from Ukraine into Russia
The interview run among the portal visitors has shown, that in July-August, 2007 (80% of visitors are companies from Ukraine and Russia) most market participants do not believe that Ukraine will become in the nearest five years a large supplier of fresh fruit and vegetable products to the Russian Federation market.
Thirteen percent of respondents are absolutely sure that Ukraine will not turn into the large supplier of vegetables and fruits into Russia, and some 32% believe that it would rather not become than vice versa. Thus, almost half (45%) respondents think that Ukraine has no prospects regarding fresh vegetables and fruits shipment to Russian market.
Note that 13% respondents answered that they already consider Ukraine a large supplier of fresh fruit and vegetable products to the Russian Federation market, and another 31% of them think that Ukraine will exactly or very probably become the important supplier in the future. Only 7% of respondents have not determined their answer.
According to information of fruit and vegetable business in CIS weekly "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits", exports of fresh fruit and vegetable products from Ukraine into Russia has been rising dynamically for the last 2-3 years. This is the case also with the assortment of products supplied and average sizes of consignments. If before the main deliveries of fresh vegetables, fruits, and berries (cucumbers, tomatoes, pepper, cherries) were arranged in small lots by private businesspersons and even were not reflected in statistics, now large greenhouse enterprises are establishing direct shipments to wholesalers and chains throughout Russia, and wholesale Russian companies try to contact directly large producers and wholesalers at the Ukrainian market.
One can learn in more detail about bilateral trade in fruit and vegetable products prospects during the following international conferences work: "Fruit& Vegetable Business of Russia. Market of New Opportunities" held in Moscow on the territory of "Expocenter" on October 23-25 and "Fruits& Vegetable of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader" , held in Kyiv on the territory of SC "Expocenter of Ukraine" on December 4-5, 2007. Dare remind you that the privileged registration for participation in these events will end in two weeks!