Grape import to Ukraine increased 64% during first six months 2007
According to information provided by the analysts of CIS produce business periodical, "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits", the import of table grape to Ukraine has increased 64% during first six months of 2007; its volume exceeded 6,000 tons. At this period of time past year only 3,700 tons of grape were imported.
We'd like to point out that the import of table grape has been dynamically growing for the sixth year already in Ukraine. The main reason is the growth of the population income, which is accompanied by the increased requirements to the quality of fruits and berries; the consumption increases in general too. Small seedless variety, Sultana grape, is the most popular among the consumers. Weather conditions play a significant role in the growth of grape import - grape producers have been loosing a considerable part of grape for several years because of frosts in Ukraine.
In the first half of year the main suppliers of grape to Ukraine were the countries of the Southern hemisphere: South Africa Republic, Chili and Argentina. The significantly less shipments were imported from Moldova, Italy, Turkey, Namibia, Peru, India, Egypt, Spain and Brazil. In the second half of year we expect the supplies of Turkish, Italian, Greek, Hungarian, Israeli and Uzbekistani grape to sharply increase.
This year, the analysts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" forecast that the grape production is likely to grow 50-60% comparing to the poor harvest 2006. It is possible that the growth rates for the grape import will somewhat slow down in the second half of year.
You can learn the details of fruit&vegetable market perspectives, the new production technologies, post harvest handling, packing, storage and marketing of fruits and vegetables during the specialized international conferences which are actually the largest events on the territory of former USSR: "Fruits&Vegetable Business of Russia 2007" to be held October 23rd-25th 2007 on the territory of "Expocenter" in Moscow, and "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader", to be held on December 4th-6th 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv.