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August 29 2007, 09:24

Potato to go expensive in Arkhangelsk region because of poor harvest

The press conference of Valentin Gintov, the Director of Agri-Industrial Complex Department was conducted in Information and PR Department of Arkhangelsk Region Administration; the event was dedicated to the results of the international congress "Potato. Russia 2007". The representatives of the region participated in the press-conference, the correspondent of ARHPERSPECTIVA.RU informs.

V. Gintov stated that the farms intend to actively export seed potato to the other regions. At the present moment the protocols of intentions have been signed with a number of companies operating in the middle belt of Russia. In particular, he mentioned "MacKein" firm operating in Lipetsk region and "Dmitrovskiye ovoschi" from Moscow region. One of the priorities is the sales of seed potato to the local population. Twenty-five - twenty-seven potato varieties will be presented at Margaritinskaya fair.

Around 310,000 tons of potato will be harvested in the region because of poor yield; this figure is considerably lower comparing to the past year. At the same time, Gintov believes, no dramatic price growth for potato is expected, this product will just be one-two rubles as more expensive.

The analysis of the situation and the perspectives of potato market development in Russia will be in focus of attention during the second international conference "Fruits&Vegetable Business of Russia 2007" to be held October 23rd-25th 2007 on the territory of "Expocenter" in Moscow. If registered and paid for participation until September 10th, the company may save 1,750 RUR per each representative. We'd like to mention that the national agricultural producers have the additional discounts!

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