Potato yield may become higher than initially forecasted in Chernihiv region
The specialists of CIS produce business periodical, "Agrooglyad: Fruits and Vegetables" weekly inform, potato yield in Chernihiv region may turn out to be higher than the producers initially forecasted.
Despite of hot summer and periodical absence of rainfalls in some districts of the region, the first results of potato harvesting in Chernihiv region prove that in the whole the weather was more favorable for high potato yield than in the previous year. The massive potato harvesting will start in 10 days. However, the prices for potato are dynamically decreasing right now, after the population has harvested the most part of this crop in their households.
The most part of potato is produced on non-irrigated areas in Chernihiv region, so that the yield closely depends on weather conditions and primarily on the rainfalls. Chernihiv region is the largest potato supplier to the other regions of Ukraine; as to the volumes of potato production, in 2006 it even left Lviv region behind. According to the data of the official statistics, the largest potato yield was recorded in 2004 in Chernihiv region when almost 1.6 mln. of tons of potato were harvested. This record may be possibly exceeded this year, because potato cultivation areas have been extended 5%, according to estimations of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits".
You can find out the details of Ukrainian potato market perspectives from the leading experts of the industry during the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader", to be held on December 4th-6th 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv. The online registration form for the conference participants is available here.