September 5 2007, 13:10
Will Russia export potato and cabbage to Ukraine?
"Agrooglyad: Fruits and Vegetables" weekly conducts
daily monitoring of fruit and vegetable wholesale prices on the largest wholesale markets in Russia, Ukraine and Poland; according to its results, at the present moment the wholesale prices for potato are 30-40% higher, the wholesale prices for cabbage are almost twofold higher in Kyiv than in Moscow. Moreover, the wholesale prices for cabbage are in average 2.3 times as high, the prices for potato are threefold as high in Kyiv than in Warsaw! The active harvesting of late potato varieties will start in a week in Russia, Ukraine and Poland, so that we can expect the prices for this products to further decline in these countries. However, the price difference on these markets will possibly stay significant enough to activate potato supplies both from Russia and Poland to Ukraine. It is worth mentioning that the first wholesale shipments of potato of Polish origin have already entered Ukrainian markets. The supplies of cabbage from Russia to Ukraine also seem very perspective at the present moment. As a consequence of high prices for cabbage Ukrainian farmers have started harvesting late varieties much earlier than this crop completely ripened; as a result, the price situation is aggravating on market. Ukraine may possibly import cabbage from Poland and Russia in winter period.
You can learn about the perspectives of fruit&vegetable trade between Ukraine, Russia and Poland during the international conferences
"Fruit&Vegetable Business of Russia 2007" to be held on October 23rd-25th 2007 on the territory of "Expocenter" in Moscow, and
"Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader", to be held on December 4th-6th 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv.