Russia: prices for greenhouse cucumber rapidly increase
The specialists of CIS produce business periodical, "Agrooglyad: Fruits and Vegetables" weekly inform, the rapid price growth for greenhouse cucumber has been observed since the beginning of this week in Russia. The market players explain this circumstance by hot and droughty weather, which led to the considerably reduced supplies of field cucumber on market.
There have been almost no supplies of field products since the beginning of this week; greenhouse cucumbers were sold for $0.97-1.16/kg; one week earlier the sales of cucumber were performed within the price range $0.19/kg to $0.77/kg depending on quality in Russian Federation.
The market players inform, as of the same period of time past year the sufficient supplies of field cucumber entered Russian market during the whole September; the prices fluctuated $0.46-0.66/kg during that period of time.
According to the forecasts done by the market players, the price for greenhouse cucumber may reach $1.55/kg by the end of this week because of high demand, insufficient supplies of greenhouse cucumber, and also absence of supplies of the imported product on Russian Federation markets. This fact may stimulate the growth of inner prices for cucumber on Ukrainian market if Ukrainian producers start exporting cucumber to Russia; the price difference let them do it right now.
We'd like to remind that the largest conference for fruit&vegetable business in Russian Federation will be held in October; the issues of the perspectives of production, post harvest handling, storage, processing and trade of fruits and vegetables will be in focus of attention. You can read the details about the second international conference "Fruit&Vegetable Business of Russia 2007" to be held on October 23rd-25th 2007 on the territory of "Expocenter" in Moscow in "Conferences" section of this site. If registered and paid for participation until September 10th, the company may save 1,750 RUR per each representative. We'd like to mention that the national agricultural producers have the additional discounts!