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September 11 2007, 11:06

Bykhovskiy processing-vegetable drying plant started reconstructing production capacities worth to $ 20 mln

Opened Joint-Stock company "Bykhovskiy processing-vegetable drying plant" (Mogilevskaya region) started the reconstruction of its production capacities, Sergey Perekhod, the Director of the enterprise, informed Interxaf.

"We conduct tenders to choose the supplier of equipment for the plant modernization. The foundations of a new workshop are under construction ", the Director told. There is a plan to launch the workshop in 2008 closer to fruit and vegetable processing season.

In the framework of the plant modernization the enterprise managers plan to install packing line for glass "twist-off" jars and cans. The line of canned green pea production, continuous sterilizer, equipment for squash peeling and slicing, washing machines, vibro-filling machines, and homogenizers are to be installed too. "Due to this equipment we will be able to significantly improve the quality of the ready products, extend the assortment, master new types of jars", Mr. Perekhod pointed out. For instance, there will be the possibility to pack juices into glass bottles of "twist-off" type of 0.3-3 l capacity.

As a result of reconstruction the fruit&vegetable canning capacity of Bykhovskiy processing-vegetable drying plant will increase 1.8 times up to 22 mln. of conditional jars.

In total the reconstruction will cost around $20 mln.

The expenses will be reimbursed by means of the loans provided by "BelarusBank", the funds of innovation and investment foundations of Mogilev Region Executive Committee and own assets of the enterprise.

At the present moment the plant produces more than 80 types of canned fruit&vegetable products - juice, confiture, jam, compote, snack and lunch cans, marinades. Since spring 2007 the enterprise has been selling its products under trademark "Khozyain-Barin".

During January-August 2007 the enterprise produced marketable products worth to $2 mln.; this figure is 21.1% as much than at the same period of time past year. There are 6.4 mln. of conditional jars (15.2% more than the level recorded in January-August 2006), including canned vegetables - 5 mln. of conditional jars (+13.8%), canned fruits - 1.32 mln. of conditional jars (+ 54.4%).

The enterprise exports up to 70% of the produced items to Russia and Armenia.

Bykhovskiy processing-vegetable drying plant has been operating since 1954.

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