September 11 2007, 14:35
Golden Delicious apple variety becomes more popular among EU orchardists portal informs, Golden Delicious apple variety is gaining more popularity in EU-15. The source informs, around 29% of apple harvest in EU-15 will be represented by this variety in the current season, so that Golden Delicious is considered as the most popular apple variety. There are other popular varieties like Gala - around 11% of harvest, Jonagold - 10%, Red Delicious - 8%, Elstar - 6%, and also Granny Smith and Braeburn - 4% each.
"Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly informs, Golden Delicious apple variety is also the most popular among the professional fruit producers in Ukraine. According to the experts' estimations, one can find the apples of this variety in all large modern orchards of the country; the trees of this variety occupy more than a half of apple cultivation areas in some large horticulture farms. Golden Delicious is also becoming popular among Polish orchardists who continue extending acreage planted with the trees of this variety.
Golden Delicious variety was occasionally selected in 1905. Working in his orchard, Andrew Mullins noticed large yellow apples, which were vividly distinguished from the other varieties planted there. He had been keeping an eye on this tree for nine years - he found out, this tree yielded enough fruits even in those years when there was no harvest of other varieties. In 1914 Mr. Mullins brought several apples of this variety (named simply Mullins' Yellow Seedling) to Stark Brothers Nurseries company, and sold his right for reproduction and sales of the seedlings of this variety. The company renamed the variety into Golden Delicious. Golden Delicious variety is considered to be a result of the occasional interbreeding of Grimes Golden and Golden Reinette varieties.
You may find out the details of the situation in Ukrainian horticulture during the fourth international conference
"Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader". The special forum is planned in the framework of this event; it will be dedicated to the modern production technologies, post harvest handling and storage of fruits, and also to the issues of fruit orchards protection from the frosts. The conference will be held on December 4th-6th 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv. The online registration form for the conference participants is available