Eurovision will open cannery in Krasnodar
In order to create a cannery, in October Eurovision will start constructing warehouses and reconstructing one of the workshops of food complex "Korenovskiy" in Krasnodarskiy kray. Valeriy Solovyov, the Director of the Complex, provided this information to Vedomosti. He said, early summer Eurovision purchased 2 ha land plot on the territory of "Korenovskiy" complex. The premise of cannery workshop is located on this plot, there are also required utilities and approach track, Mr. Solovyov says. Alexey Dogadin, the representative of Eurovision said that 10 mln. of conditional jars of canned vegetables and mushrooms will be produced on this new production line. Mr. Dogadin made no further comments.
Yevgeniy Zolotaykin, the Director of Group Development Department, "Erkon-Product" group (canned diary and vegetable products "Molochnaya Strana" and "Frau Martha"), believes that 2 hectares are enough to create such production capacity. He approximately estimated the investments to the project to equal to RUR 150 mln.
Andrey Volkov, General Director of Rostov company "Khozyain" (canned fruits and vegetables "Khozyain") and Maxim Protasov, the Chairman of Board of P-Holding (the owner of "Pomidorprom") point out that this is the first enterprise of this company in Russia. Till the present moment Eurovision has imported its products to Russia. The plant in Krasnodarskiy kray is a right step forward, to the opinion of Mr. Volkov - everything ripens faster here, so that the plant's operating period will be extended. "We have not felt yet any competition for raw materials", he tells. According to Mr. Volkov's estimations, Eurovision products occupy less than 5% of Krasnodar market. Company's brands are among ten best-selling products, but the company's position has not been strong yet in canned vegetable sector, Mr. Protasov tells. However, Eurovision has a great chance to increase its share up to 10% in the segment of canned mushrooms, Mr. Zolotaykin says. The market of canned products annually increases 20-30%, and the major share of the products is of imported origin there, Mr. Volkov emphasizes. According to estimations of Discovery Research Group, the capacity of Russian market of canned vegetables will equal to $2.25 billion in 2007.