The Greenery presents innovations in the sphere of modern fruit&vegetable trade and tells about its plans on Russian market
The members of the second international conference "Fruits&Vegetable Business of Russia 2007. Wealth of New Opportunities" will learn about the experience of European largest company and one of the world largest companies which works in the sphere of vegetable, fruit, berry and mushroom trade. The Greenery company will present its developments in the area of innovations of the product promotion from producer to consumer. In particular, the company will speak on the marketing strategy, innovations, reduction of the way the products should make from the producer to supermarket shelf, and also about the company's plans on Russian market.
The Greenery is primarily the brand of quality and fresh fruits and vegetables; this brend is recognisable throughout Europe. Despite of the fact that the company has been working just for 10 years on market, now it is the largest fruit&vegetable supplier to supermarkets, wholesale trade enterprises and HoReCa in Europe. The company's turnover amounted to around $1.9 billion in 2006; the products of about 1500 producing companies (the co-owners of this company) were sold through this chain. Actually The Greenery is the farmers cooperative created in Germany by the private growers and their associations; due to the successful marketing the cooperative was transformed into the largest wholesale company in EU with the rerpesentative offices in 8 countries.
The company is globally known by its innovations in the sphere of packing, temporary storage, logistics, new marketing tools. The company's main objective is to supply the full assortment of vegetables, fruits and mushrooms the whole year round to supermarket chains in Europe, Northern America and Middle East. Product safety, stability, innovations and efficient logistics are the main priorities of The Greenery activiites.
If we consider the top ten leaders of Russain fruit and vegetable trade market now, we will point out the following: the majority develop their business on the basis of banana and citrus fruits market, which has sharply increased since the recent ten years. This market has not stopped increasing yet, but its development has signficantly slowed down, so that the companies try to extend thier assortment by means of the other fruit&vegetable products. The other peculiarity of the work of large Russian traders is the almost full absence of Private Labels and a rather predictable traditional marketing. But, today both the experts and market players are inclined to think that the revolution is close both in the sphere of the assortment extension and in marketing.
Make use of the unique opportuntiy to study the experience of the modern fruit&vegetable trade presented by The Greenery company, one of the world leaders in this industry. You can register for participation in the conference here