Yield of all major vegetable crops declined in 2007 in Ukraine
According to April Production and Price forecast for fruits and vegetables in 2007 in Ukraine, done by the analysts of CIS produce business periodical "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly", the yield of most vegetable crops turned out to be lower in 2007 than in the previous season. According to the updated data, the yield of the major crops (cabbage, tomato, cucumber, table beet, carrot, onion, squash, pepper, green pea, eggplant and garlic) was lower than in 2006 and lower than forecasted in the beginning of this year.
The main reason for the decreased yield of the major vegetable crops in a new season is the drought in the beginning of the vegetation period and high temperatures during the plants' development. Also the farmers mention greater problems caused by diseases and pests: these problems affected the yield and quality of vegetable harvest in 2007. It is worth to say that the yield of most crops in the previous season was close to a record thanks to the favorable weather conditions.
You can find out the level of the decrease or growth of the production of major vegetable crops in October 2007 - July 2008, and the influence of the expectations to the vegetable and fruit prices in October 2007 - July 2008, if you read the updated Production and Price forecast for fruits and vegetables in Ukraine, which will be available for the journal subscribers middle October 2007.
The full version of the forecast, prepared on the basis of the producers' survey in all regions of Ukraine with table information and regional structure of production and prices, and also the evaluations of imports, exports and price perspectives, can be ordered for UAH 2000 (for subscribers) and UAH 2200 (for those who are not subscribed). If the company purchased the first forecast this year, it will get autumn forecast for 50% of its price. You can order the forecast via e-mail: [email protected].
We'd like to also point out that the tentative Production and Price forecast for fruits and vegetables in the next season will be released during the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader" to be held on the 4th-6th of December 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv. The online application form for the registration of the conference participants is available here.