October 5 2007, 10:11
Interest to "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader" has rapidly increased this season
"Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" project, the organizer of the fourth international conference
"Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader" observes a sharply increasing interest to this event. As of two months till the beginning of the conference, 40% more participants have registered for participation than at the same period of time past year. Actually, the conference is again confirming its status of the largest and the most prestigious event for the professionals of fruit&vegetable business in Eastern Europe.
We'd like to point out that the traditionally two-day conference will last for three days this year. The other innovations are the possibility to conduct
the private specialized seminar in the framework of the conference, and also the longer list of advertisement services in the framework of the conference. Each company is able to choose the most appropriate package of services. At the present moment around 5 companies have shown the preliminary interest to the private seminars. The detailed information will be available on the site soon.
It is also worth mentioning that this year the
conference program traditionally includes a lot of interesting reports about the novelties in the modern technologies of processing, post harvest handling, storage and marketing, and also the perspectives of market development. The most advanced novelties are the technologies of orchard protection from the frosts with the help of wind machines, mechanized vegetable harvesting, integrated projects in vegetable production, the specifics of fruit and vegetable production on large cultivation areas, the problems with seedlings for the modern intensive orchards, modern approaches to storage, and unique technologies of drip irrigation under low pressure, and a lot of other interesting topics.
We'd like to remind that the number of the conference participants is limited to 400 people this year. To guarantee your participation in this event, please fill in the application form right now. You can do it on our site
Also, "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" conducts two more conferences this year: the second international conference
"Fruit&Vegetable Business of Russia. Wealth of New Opportunities", to be held on October 23rd-25th 2007 in Moscow and the first international forum and business-tour
"Frutis and Vegetables of Caucasus 2007" to be held November 27th-29th 2007. The
program of forum and business tour includes the trip round almost the whole Georgia and visits to several fruit&vegetable business enterprises, so that the participants will see all stages - fruit, fresh herbs and nuts production till processing, post harvest handling, packing and sales.