Ukraine: new greenhouse complex may be launched in Khersonskaya region
The specialists of "Agrooglyad: Fruits and Vegetables" weekly found out that a modern greenhouse complex may be constructed in Kakhovka (Khersonskaya region) next year. At the present moment the local officials and the investor are in the process of negotiations; the local authorities are ready to allocate a land plot for the greenhouse complex construction. The name of the investor company has not been announced yet; however, this region is in the focus of attention of many Ukrainian and international companies as a perspective area for fruit&vegetable business development.
To the opinion of the analysts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits", another wave of the extension of cultivation areas under modern greenhouse complex should be expected in 2008 in Ukraine. The reason is sharply increased profitability of this business in the current season. According to the forecasts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" analysts, the average prices for greenhouse vegetables of 2007 harvest will be 35-40% higher than the average prices recorded in 2006. For example, now greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers are sold in average twice as more expensive than at the same period of time in 2006. And, greenhouse complexes do not face any problems while selling the produced volumes of vegetables.
The increasing prices for gas daunted many greenhouse owners; but actually the prices affect only those producers of greenhouse vegetables who grow produce in old energy-intensive greenhouses.
The detailed discussion of the perspectives of greenhouse business development in Ukraine and Russia will take place during the CIS largest international conferences "Fruits&Vegetable Business of Russia 2007. Wealth of New Opportunities" and "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader".