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October 11 2007, 09:24

Tangerine, apple, hazelnut, fresh herbs, early vegetables, juice concentrates from Georgia - new opportunity for European importers

Georgia is ready to harvest an extremely high apple and tangerine harvest in 2007. Also, hazelnut harvest was also quite good, and the producers of greenhouse fresh herbs continue extending parsley and dill cultivation areas. As a result, this year Georgia will be able to export considerable volumes of fresh fruits, and also apple and tangerine concentrates, hazelnut, fresh herbs, and other types of fruits and vegetables.

Georgian tangerine exporters have been operating modern lines of tangerine sorting and packing; they are ready to introduce calibrated high quality tangerine on market. The processors also purchased new equipment. At the present moment many enterprises are in search for the suppliers of quality cold storage equipment and for the companies able to implement cold storage projects on a turn-key basis. Some processors of vegetables and fruits have already faced the problems to purchase quality raw materials: next year they plan to start large-scale tomato, carrot and other vegetables production, and also to invest in fruit production.

The producers of greenhouse fresh herbs also start to be interested in the modern production technology: seeds, drip irrigation systems, modern greenhouse designs, etc. After droughty summer 2007 the farmers - fruit&vegetable produces are also interested in the suppliers of drip irrigation systems, water-soluble fertilizers, modern plant protection systems and other elements of modern technologies.

That's why many European importers of fresh fruits&vegetables, hazelnut, and juice concentrates, as well as the suppliers of cold storage, sorting and packing equipment, seeds, drip irrigation systems, fertilizers, plant protection systems, packing and other elements of modern technologies will find interesting to participate in the first international forum and business-tour "Frutis and Vegetables of Caucasus 2007" to be held November 27th-29th 2007. The program of forum and business tour includes the trip round almost the whole Georgia and visits to several fruit&vegetable business enterprises. The participants will see all stages, from production to processing, post harvest handling, packing and sales of fruits, fresh herbs and nuts. You can register for participation in the event here.

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