Potato prices are 2.5 times as low in Poland than in Ukraine
The analysts CIS produce business periodical "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly inform, the price difference for potato in Ukraine and Poland continue increasing; this fact creates importing opportunities for Polish potato. At the present moment potato costs $0.1-0.16/kg in Poland.
At the same time, the wholesale prices for potato considerably vary in Ukraine in dependence of the region. The wholesale shipments of potato are purchased for $0.16-0.24/kg in the western regions of the country; the prices seldom decline lower than $0.3-0.32/kg in the eastern and southern regions of the Ukraine.
The analysts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" draw attention of the market players to the fact that potato production has increased in general in 2007 in Ukraine despite of the production decrease recorded in the central, eastern and southern regions. Also, potato prices in Poland will possibly stay relatively low during the whole season; potato prices in Russia have already become much lower than in Ukraine. So, to our opinion, at the present moment the purchase of potato, to be further resold for a higher price, may be even more risky than usually.
You will learn about the potato production and price forecast, and also the modern production technologies, storage, post harvest handling and packing during the CIS largest specialized fruit&vegetable conferences: "Fruit&Vegetable Business of Russia. Wealth of New Opportunities" and "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader".