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October 16 2007, 10:18

Banana import to Russia may exceed the level of 1 mln. tons in 2007

The analysts of CIS produce business "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" forecast that this year Russia is able to exceed the level of 1 mln. tons of imports of fresh bananas.

According to the data of the official statistics, in 2006 Russia imported 885,000 tons of bananas worth to almost $ 500 mln. However, the representatives of trade companies consider this figure to be underestimated. Ecuador supplies around 90% of bananas coming to Russia. The shares of Costa-Rica, Colombia, and Philippines allocate 2-3% each of all bananas supplied to Russia.

The issues of the perspectives of fruit&vegetable imports development to Russia, the questions of the inner production development will be considered during the second international conference "Fruit&Vegetable Business of Russia 2007. Wealth of New Opportunities", to be held on October 23rd-25th 2007 on the territory of Expocenter in Moscow. To register for the participation in the conference, please fill in this form. The registration of the participants finishes today!

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