Ukraine: price stabilization for apple concentrate
The prices for apple concentrate stopped increasing on Ukrainian market, the analysts of CIS produce business periodical "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly inform. The experts consider the demand decline from the side of concentrate purchasers in EU countries to be the main factor. EU countries representatives have to observe restrained purchase policy because of the sharp price zooming in recent months.
Despite of the obvious lack of raw materials on market because of poor apple harvest, past year Ukrainian concentrate producers sold their product for up to 1100-1200€/ton. Now the price for national clarified concentrate varies within the limits 1800 to 2100€/tond excluding VAT. The sellers of unclarified concentrate set the prices within the range 1500 to 1800€/ton in Ukraine.
You can find out the perspectives of apple and apple concentrate markets in Ukraine and EU countries during the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader". The largest market players of processing industry of Ukraine and other countries, as well as large producers of apple concentrate, plan to participate in this event.
We'd also like to point out that the sharp increase of apple consternate supply is expected in Georgia this year; in this country "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" jointly with AgVANTAGE project organizes forum and business tour "Fruits and Vegetables of Caucasus 2007" to be held November 27th-29th 2007. The program of forum and business tour includes the trip round almost the whole Georgia and visits to several fruit&vegetable business enterprises. The participants will see all stages, from production to processing, post harvest handling, packing and sales of fruits, fresh herbs and nuts. You can register for participation in the event here.