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October 29 2007, 11:55

Odessa baby-food cannery intends to sue PepsiCo company

The shareholders of Opened JSC "Odessa baby-food cannery" intend to sue PepsiCo company. We'd like to remind that quite a remarkable event took place on Ukrainian juice-nectar-beverage market in July 2007 - PepsiCo company, well-known, the largest beverage producer, purchased "Sandora" company, the largest player on Ukrainian JNB market.

New product, produced by Nikolayevskiy juice plant, appeared early October on the shelves of national supermarkets - that was the reason to apply to the court. As known, Nikolayevskiy juice plant belongs to "Sandora" company. To the opinion of the shareholders of Opened JSC "Odessa baby-food cannery", the appearance of this product is a copy of the juices of Opened JSC "Odessa baby-food cannery" trademark produced by the enterprise in 2002 - a new, low-price segment was created on Ukrainian market that time. Since the reporting period the enterprise has numerously faced the fact of copying and cloning of the pack under this trademark. "First sign" was juice in white pack of "Sandora" company. The shareholders of Opened JSC "Odessa baby-food cannery" verbally presented a claim to the founders of LLC "Sandora". That time the representatives of this company voluntary considered their actions as incorrect and agreed to change pack color into yellow under threat of being sued.

"Vinnifruit" company was the next - in 2004 it produced juice in white pack which appearance was almost similar to juice pack of "Odessa baby-food cannery". In this case Opened JSC "Odessa baby-food cannery" had to apply to the court; as a result of all procedures of all juridical instances yielded to the point of Odessa baby-food cannery - they disallowed Opened JSC "Vinnifruit" to use white juice pack alike to Odessa cannery pack. Also, juridical authorities obliged "Vinnifruit" to destroy the already manufactured white packs.

Talking about present-day situation, Odessa baby-food cannery again intends to apply to the court. The shareholders of the enterprise say, this time company's actions will be much more severe - the claim sum will amount to dozens of million dollars.

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