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November 7 2007, 17:56

Cultivar blueberry production is developing by high rates in Ukraine

The experts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" weekly inform that the interest to new and still non-traditional crops with a large market potential continues increasing in Ukraine. Such crops are wild and cultivar blueberry, chokeberry and some others. The issues of cultivar blueberry cultivation were discussed on the conference level past year, and in 2007 at once several fields of this crop have appeared in our country.

The practical aspects of blueberry production in Ukraine are studied, in particular, by Vinnitsa Fruit Project of International Finance Corporation (IFC). The project experts already possess first practical experience (on the basis of two farms in Vinnitsa region) of the production of this relatively new crop in Ukraine. To the opinion of Richard Dale, the independent American Expert, he was impressed by the quality and high technological level of blueberry plantation in this region. This fact confirms the perspectives of this business in Ukraine.

The analytical service of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" informs that the demand for wild and cultivar blueberry continues increasing more rapidly than supply in the world. As a result, the prices for this crop updated another records on the global market in 2007. Blueberry production may be quite profitable in Ukraine. To the specialists' opinion, the drawbacks are insignificant volumes of inner market - to our regret, there has been no sufficient demand for this highly useful berry yet in Ukraine. Although, blueberry is characterized by almost the highest content of anti-oxidants, used for prevention of cancer and other serious diseases.

Taking into account great perspectives of blueberry production in Ukraine, "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" decided to pay attention to this crop again this year. That's why the program of the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader" includes the presentation "Technological aspects and economics of blueberry production in Vinnitsa region (results of blueberry demo-sites in two farms). Perspectives of blueberry market development in Ukraine". The presentation will be prepared by Oleg Bosiy, the Agronomist-Analyst of Vinnitsa Fruit Project IFC.

We'd like to remind that the conference takes place on the 4th-6th of December 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv. The application form for the conference participants is available here.

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