Large Russian grain trader to start growing greenhouse vegetables and lettuces
The Press Service of "Aston" group of companies informed CIS produce business weekly "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits", the company has signed the general agreement with Southern-Western Bank, of Sberbank, Russian Federation about the opening of the revolving framework facility with the limit RUR 1.3 billion.
A part of this sum, $21 mln. will be allocated for the creation of greenhouse complex of vegetable and lettuce production in Millerovo, Voronezhskaya region. The complex will occupy 12 ha and will be heated by extra energy generated by power station.
"Aston" group of companies includes oil extraction mill plants "Volshebniy Kray" and "Millerovskiy", port grain terminal on Don river, elevator complexes, flour mill complex, dockyard, dry cargo vessels of river-sea navigation, tankers for vegetable oil transportation, and agricultural enterprises for sunflower and grain production.
You will learn the details of the perspectives of Ukrainian and Russian greenhouse businesses and other aspects of successful fruit&vegetable business during CIS largest fruit & vegetable forum - the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader", which takes place on the 4th-6th of December 2007 on the territory of the National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kyiv. The application form for the conference participants is available here.