Ukraine: carrot producers cannot increase prices because of imported produce
Despite of the expectations of the producers, the prices for carrot still remain stable in Ukraine. The experts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" project say that the price increase is suspended by imported carrot on market, which is supplied form Russia, Poland and Holland. The large wholesale companies prefer to work exactly with imported carrot at the present moment as they are quite satisfied with its quality and price.
At the same time, the wholesalers mention they still experience problems to purchase large shipment of quality carrot of national origin even for a high price. Most holders of such carrot do not trade their products, because they hope for carrot to start increasing in price soon.
It is worth mentioning that the formed situation fully corresponds to the forecasts published by "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" in October. To the experts' opinion, because of poor harvest carrot prices have already been 75-80% higher than in the previous year. The prices will start increasing again as soon as frosts are here. The product will tend to increase until first shipments of early carrot enter the markets. Nevertheless, the experts admit the possibility that imported carrot on market is able to restrain price from increasing to some extent.
The detailed forecast of production and price for carrot and other types of fruits and vegetables in Ukraine in the season 2007/08 will be presented by Andriy Yarmak, the Head of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" project at the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader". To become the participant of the event, you need to fill in application form.
Please note that we stop accepting application forms in two weeks!