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November 21 2007, 17:38

First in Russia workshop for the production of peeled potato in vacuum packs is launched in Nizhegorodskaya region

A new workshop for the production of peeled potato in vacuum packs is launched in village Kozhino, Arzamasskiy district, "Arguments and Facts" informs. The enterprise was created on the basis of "Latkin" farm; it is the first facility specialized on such production in Russia.

This farm has been recognized as the best potato producer in the region for three previous years: during this period potato production increased threefold in this farm, from 6,000 tons to 18,000 tons. This year the producers have had to construct a new terminal here for 20,000 tons of products. The farm products are sold through the trade chains of Nizhniy Novgorod and Moscow.

Yevgeniy Latkin, the Chief of the farm, pointed out that the time of lots of people is highly valued today. As a consequence, such products are in demand on the markets of European countries, and we observe the increasing demand for peeled potato in Moscow.

"New line is a bright example of the implementation of the profound post harvest handling technologies in agriculture. The next step will be the installation of powerful microwave oven here and production of ready-to-eat baked potato", Vladimir Shantsev, the Governor, said during the meeting in Kozhino. "We clearly see that those local farms were able to increase labor efficiency two- or threefold comparing to the times of former USSR (considered to be favorable for agriculture), which followed the path of the production modernization, implementation of new technologies, improvement of seed stock and breed herd from the very beginning. Someone prefers to continue complaining and suffering. We shouldn't complain, we should work".

According to information of the press service of the Governor and the Government of Nizhegorodskaya region, in December-January the local government will consider the development programs of each farm in each district in order to help weak farms overcome crisis by means of merger with strong agricultural enterprises or training of weak farms' leaders on the basis of successful farms. In 2008 the government will increase 1.5 times the budget financing of agricultural industry; also, the funds will be allocated for the machinery modernization.

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