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December 3 2007, 13:59

Ukraine: cabbage prices beat records

The analysts of CIS produce business "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" inform that the prices for cabbage occupy the top record level in Ukraine now. The prices reach $0.34-0.36/kg on FARMER wholesale market in Kyiv and $0.24/kg on SHUVAR wholesale market in Lviv. This level is 2-2.5 times as high than the price for cabbage at the same period of time past year.

Such high prices for cabbage in the supply peak of this product have never been observed in recent years. Usually, the price reaches such level only in winter or early spring. In some year the price for cabbage does not exceed $0.04-0.08/kg even in spring.

To the opinion of the experts of "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits", the main reason for high cabbage prices this season is 4-5% production decline comparing to the previous year. So, the gross cabbage harvest was the lowest in the recent five years. We'd also like to point out that a considerable part of late cabbage varieties was harvested and sold before the crop ripening, because the prices for medium cabbage varieties were even higher. As a result, the demand and supply was deviated even more.

You will learn about the volumes of the production of cabbage and other fruits and vegetables in 2008 on the 4th of December during the fourth international conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2007. Meeting New Leader".

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