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February 18 2008, 08:41

The first cherries of the year come from Catalonia

The "earliest cherries in the Western world" were presented for the first time at FRUIT LOGISTICA. In early March, when many European cities still lie blanketed in snow, Catalonian company S.A.T. EDOA is already shipping its "Glamour Cherries" to customers. This early date puts the producer at least six weeks ahead of the competition and, according to its own PR materials, makes it unique in the world. With Brix values ranging from 18 to 24 and sizes from 28 to 32 mm, these dark-red, firm cherries easily command prices of EUR 80 per kilo at the beginning of the season from exclusive retailers including the English department store Harrods. "The company sold all its produce at FRUIT LOGISTICA on the first day", reports Justo Torralba, head of the trade department of the Catalonian export promotion organization Prodeca. In the autonomous region of Catalonia on the Iberian Peninsula, more than a million tones of fruit are produced annually on over 50,000 hectares of land. Key crops include apples, pears, peaches, nectarines and citrus fruits. One-fourth of the production is destined for export. Germany is the leading buyer, closely followed by France, Italy and Great Britain. Catalonian fruit producers have managed to add Eastern Europe and most recently Morocco and Algeria to their list of export countries.

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