Ukrainian Fruit Master Group launched a winery worth to $10 mln. in Zakarpatskaya region
The group of companies Fruit Master Group launched a new winery of around 20 mln. liters/year capacity in April 2008 in Zakarpatskaya region; Natalya Martynenko, the General Director of Fruit Master Group informed the journalists of Agrobel.By on Wednesday in Kyiv.
She informed that the investments to a new winery amounted to the sum of around $10 mln. Mrs. Martynenko specified that earlier the group produced wine products on Beregovskiy cannery (Zakarpatskaya region) which belongs to the Group.
Also, Mrs. Martynenko informed that Fruit Master Group plans to modernize Beregovskiy cannery in the following two years. As a result, the cannery's capacities of the production of juices and juice-containing drinks will increase more than twofold up to 200 mln. liters per year. Three new production lines will be installed at the enterprise in two years. The investments to the cannery's reconstruction will also amount to the sum of around $10 mln.
Alexander Shuklin, the Deputy General Director on Marketing and Sales, Fruit Master Group informed that the Group intends to occupy 30% of Ukrainian market of juices and juice-containing drinks by 2013. "This is a very ambitious plan. But, I want to emphasize that we have everything to achieve the planned results", he said.
According to Victoria Krupskaya, the Marketing Director of the Group, in particular Fruit Master Group is intended to introduce new nectars under TM "Ya+Semya" on market. After that the Group plans to suspend the sales of TM "Moya Semya" on the territory of Ukraine and to totally export this trademark.
She specified that earlier "Moya Semya" was produced in the framework of the Group cooperation with Russian company "Nidan". Now Fruit Master Group owns the right to sell juices under this trademark on the territory of Ukraine and in four other countries.
In 2008 the Group is also intended to invest approximately $3 mln. to the development of the juice business.
And, Mrs. Martynenko informed that Fruit Master Group is considering an opportunity to engage the portfolio investor. "We consider this scenario. Maybe, we will have a portfolio investor in a year or two", she said.
According to Mrs. Martynenko, there are companies which are ready to consult the group regarding the engagement of the portfolio investor at the present moment. She points out that the sales of a certain package of shares might be one of the tools to raise funds for the group development.
Mrs. Martynenko also admitted the possibility of the initial public offering of the Group in three-five years in one of the stock exchanges.
This year Fruit Master Group plans to undertake the international auditing.
At the present moment, according to Mrs. Martynenko, the owners of the Group are three individuals, the residents of Ukraine.
The Fruit Master Group is specialized on the production and sales of juices, drinks, canned fruits and vegetables and wines. Fruit Master Group has been working on the market of Ukraine since 2000. Initially it worked as a part of Russian company "Nidan Ukraine"; the Group has become a separate business unit since February 2006.
In particular the group consists of the managing company Fruit Master Group (Kyiv), the Trade House "Fruit Master Trade", the company "Nidan+" (juices and wines in cardboard packs), "Kotnar" company (production of wines in glass bottles), "Bereg-Foods" (production of canned fruits and vegetables) and "Beregovskiy cannery" (juice production).
The company produces juices under the trademarks "DA!", "Moya Semya", Jungle Way, "Beregovskiy cannery", the wines under TM "Kotnar" and others.