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April 24 2008, 08:25

"Vovka Morkovka" constructs the largest distribution center for root crops in Kyiv suburb

LLC "Agroholding" (TM "Vovka Morkovka") informed the specialists of CIS fruit & vegetable business weekly "Fruit-Inform" that the enterprise continues investing to the development of fruit & vegetable business. At the present moment the enterprise is constructing a large distribution center for the so-called "borsch" vegetables in the suburb of Kyiv.

The representatives of the enterprise informed, a new distribution (packing) center will have the capacity to simultaneously storage 14,000 tons of potato, carrot, table beet, onion and cabbage. In addition to the modern storages, several modern packing lines will be installed in the center. These lines will be able to handle and pack up to 10 tons of products per hour.

LLC "Agroholding" also has chosen for the strategy of the vertical business integration - it develops the own vegetable production. At the same time, the enterprise still plans to partially purchase vegetables for handling and packing from the professional growers.

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