Ukrainian supermarkets make less profits on fruits and vegetables than their western colleagues
According to information provided by the managers of fruit & vegetable sections of the supermarkets operating on the territory of Ukraine, Ukrainian chains generate less profit on the fruit and vegetable trade than their western colleagues. At the same time they admit that fruits and vegetables will become the key tool of the chains to compete for the consumers in the nearest future.
According to evaluations of IFC specialists, the average weighed margin, set by Ukrainian supermarkets for fruits and vegetables, is around 20% at the present moment. Not less than 12% out of 20% are the expenses; the supermarket makes the profit just out of the rest 8%.
To the opinion of the experts of "Fruit-Inform" weekly, the quality of fruit & vegetable sections of Ukrainian supermarket leaves much to be desired. One of the main reasons is the ill developed market infrastructure and the absence of the professional wholesale companies which are ready to provide the year round supplies of the assortment of vegetables, fruits and berries.
We'd like to remind that "Fruit-Inform" conducted the survey to define the chain with the best fruit & vegetable section. The winner was Odessa supermarket chain "Tavria V".