Potato acreage may be significantly extended in the central regions of Ukraine - forecast
According to the forecasts provided by the analysts of CIS fruit and vegetable business weekly "Fruit-Inform", potato cultivation areas may be significantly extended in 2008 in Ukraine. More than 60% of the farmers, inquired by the specialists of the journal, plan to extend the potato acreage in 2008. Jointly with the expected growth of the average potato yield, this fact may lead to even more significant increase of the total production.
The increase of the potato production may reach 15% in the central regions of the country; however, the actual production volume in Polessya agri-climatic zone will have the key influence on the price formation, because the most part of Ukrainian potato is grown there.
As a result of the inquiry of the representative selection of the producers from all regions of Ukraine, conducted during two weeks, the "Fruit-Inform" experts have been able to define the key trends of the acreage and yield of the major fruits and vegetables. Also, the detailed information was collected among the other market players. The subscribers of "Fruit-Inform" weekly will read the brief results of the forecast of the production and prices for fruits and vegetables in Ukraine in 2008 in the issue of "Fruit-Inform" in the first half of May.
You can order the full version of the forecast per tel: +38-0562-3207905 or e-mail: [email protected]. The non-subscribers of the journal may purchase the full forecast for UAH 2,500; the subscribers can purchase it for UAH 2,000.