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November 25 2002, 18:47 APK-Inform

No ban imposed on Kazakh grain transits - Ukraine's transport ministry

Russian mass media have recently distributed information that Ukraine's Ministry of Transport allegedly banned transits of Kazakhstan's grain through Ukrainian seaports because of queues on Ukrainian transport mainlines and absence of extra transport reserves in Ukraine. Commenting on these reports, the Ukraine's Ministry of Transport has informed that "potential capacities of Ukrainian transport system allow providing transit transportations of grain loads in a full volume."

A spokesman for the Ministry has also noted that there have been established close cooperative links between transport managements of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In November Ukrzaliznytsia (Ukrainian Railway), on request of CJSC "Kazakh Railways", has directed to Kazakhstan 310 Ukrainian grain carriages within a programme of railcar assistance.

"Ukrainian railway continues to accept grain from Kazakhstan for transportation to Ukrainian ports in a full volume, without any restrictions," the press-release of the Ministry reads.

The Ministry's officials have also made an assumption that the above-mentioned media reports were aimed at redirecting grain cargoflows from Ukraine to other routes, for instance - Baltic ports of Russia.

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