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December 2 2002, 15:38

Moldova: 2002 farming year results. Projections for next year optimistic

According to official data, in 2002 Moldova has harvested 1.489 million tonnes of grains and pulses at an average yield 2.51 tonnes per hectare, including 1.180 million tonnes of wheat (yield - 2.68 tonnes per hectare); 1.2 million tonnes of maize (yield - 2.7 tonnes per hectare), 397,100 tonnes of sunflower seeds (1.55 t/ha), 1.2 million tonnes of sugar beet (24.4 t/ha).

According to web-site, the ministry of agriculture and food industry forecasts grain crop in 2003 to reach 3 million tonnes, including 1.1 million tonnes of winter wheat. Maize crop is projected to be boosted up to 1.6 million tonnes, that of sugar beets - to 1.5 million tonnes. Sunflower seed crop is expected at 259,000 tonnes.

The site does not provide clear explanation of how this year's figure of grain crop is going to be more than doubled next year. Also, no explanation is suggested why sunflower seeds crop will shrink from about 397,000 this year to 259,000 tonnes next one.

It has been said, however, that agriculture ministry's management believes that it will be able to achieve the above results should a support to agricultural sector be provided from both budget funds and non-budget ones. There are currently farm support projects being implemented in the country for the total worth of $20.5 million, funded by WB, TACIS, governments of US, UK, the Netherlands and Japan, says the Internet site.

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