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December 4 2002, 16:47 SeaNews

Grain transits through Ukrainian ports increasing

According to Ukraine's Ministry of Transport, as of November 20, 2002 volumes of transit grain shipments from Ukrainian ports constituted 766,900 tonnes since the start of the year - 9.4 percent of total grain cargoflow and a 4.2 percent increase from the corresponding period last year.

The share of transits has sharply risen towards the end of the year. While in the period from July to October the volume of transit grain throughput was about 400,000 tonnes, not exceeding 7 percent of monthly grain throughput in October, in November it was as much as 333,600 tonnes, or 30.7 percent of monthly throughput.

The main share of transits belongs to Russian grain. Kazakhstan's grain transits took up 121,500 tonnes out of the 766,900.

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