Ukraine breaks all the records on cabbage export volumes
According to the earlier forecasts of the analysts of the CIS fruit & vegetable business weekly "Fruit-Inform", this year Ukraine sees overproduction of white cabbage due to sharp expansion of the areas under this crop. Sharp increase of production of late cabbage as well as early and middle varieties is observed. As a result, the prices for this crop declined to the level when some producers decided not to harvest cabbage at all.
Currently, it is possible to buy cabbage from the producers even at $0.06-0.07/kg, while most farmers try to sell it at least at $0.10/kg. At that, farmers are ready to make concessions regarding price, volume, agree to delay of payment or barter.
Low prices for cabbage cannot but attract the buyers of this product from the near abroad. That is why, in May 2008, Ukraine exported over 1.500 tonnes of early white cabbage- the absolute record of exports of cabbage for all years. Russia, Belarus and Moldova were the main importers of the Ukrainian cabbage. At the moment, the processors from the neighboring EU-countries start taking interest in cheap Ukrainian cabbage (Poland, Romania and Hungary). That’s why it is possible this year Ukraine will increase cabbage exports to the EU-countries.
We remind you that detailed information about prospects of production, export, import and prices for the main vegetables and fruits in new season will be presented to all participants of the Fifth International Conference “Vegetables and Fruits of Ukraine- 2008”. You may register to the Conference and get substantial discount right now.