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December 12 2002, 16:02 APK-Inform

Russia's increased duties for meat and milk may negatively affect Ukrainian market

If Russia imposes limitations on imports of Ukrainian animal products, this may negatively affect Ukrainian market of such products, Deputy State Secretary for the Ministry of Agrarian Policy Yuri Melnyk told reporters. He said this issue was important for Ukraine because specific weight of Russia in total amount of Ukraine's animal products exports was rather high, especially in such items as beef, hard cheese, butter.

"Theoretically this may suppress the prices in Ukrainian market. However, until the duty gets into effect, Ukrainian exporting companies still have a chance to arrange the issue with Russians so that they don't put such limitations," he said.

Ukraine may also try and look for new sales market for its products, he added.

He said the government was acquainted with the situation and the issue will be worked with at bilateral meetings on the level of two countries' government officials so that an optimal variant to satisfy the both parties be found.

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