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December 17 2002, 14:59 Interfax-Ukraine

Ukraine wants right for $1.38 bln yearly farm support after accession to WTO

Ukraine's delegation in negotiations with World Trade Organisation representatives in Geneva claims for right to provide annual state farm support in the amount of $1.38 billion after accession to the organisation, State Secretary for the Ministry of Economy and European Integration Andriy Honcharuk has said in a TV programme, broadcasted on Sunday on the first national channel.

He said, however, that Ukraine's agriculture had never seen such level of support since independence and it was hard to say whether state budget would be able to find such funds to provide such a level of support to agriculture.

He said that within the framework of Ukraine's run-up to WTO accession, as of the today Ukraine had already arranged for 95 percent of tariff rates on a bilateral level and signed protocols about access to markets of goods and services with nine countries - members of working group, considering Ukraine's application for WTO accession.

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