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December 20 2002, 12:45 APK-Inform

Russia: grain purchase intervention results as of December 19

In the course of exchange tenders within the framework of state purchasing interventions in the grain market, as of December 19 the state purchased 29,700 tonnes of milling wheat Class 3 and 39,600 tonnes of milling wheat Class 4, Agriculture Ministry's State Agency for Food Market Regulation has informed.

Over the nineteen days of the intervention tenders the state has purchased a total of 787,400 tonnes of milling wheat Class 3, 1,134,600 tonnes of milling wheat Class 4 and 307,900 tonnes of milling rye Group A. Total amount of all classes of milling grains purchased by the state has constituted 2,229,900 tonnes.

3,878,800 roubles have been spent out of the 6 billion rouble loan, provided by the Savings Bank of Russian Federation.

US$1 = 32 roubles

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