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August 21 2008, 14:29

Russia to lay over 9.000 ha of vineyards this year

The meeting on program of viticulture and winemaking development for 2008-2010 took place in the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. The participants of the meeting reasoned that everything is proceeding according to plan.

Krasnodar and Stavropol Krai, Dagestan and Rostov oblast are actively preparing to vineyards laying, reported. In total, according to the program, in 2008 they need to establish 9.235 ha and there are no serious barriers for this plan. Amount of financing from the federal budget to the program realization for the period 2008-2010 totals $79.848. At that, in 2010 production of grapes should increase from 243.500 in 2006 to 340.000 tonnes, including winemaking needs – from 200.000 to 280.000 tonnes.

At that, the target program supposes that wine production volumes in 2010 will increase from 47.0 to 78.7 mln decaliters as compared to 2006, including from the domestic raw material – from 14.7 to 18 mln dal; champagne and sparkling wine – from 15.4 to 19.5 mln dal, from own raw material – from 2.5 to 3.5 mln dal. Increase of cognac volumes is planned as well – from 6.4 to 8.5 mln dal, at that 4 mln dal instead of the previous 3 mln dal will be produced from own raw material.

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