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August 21 2008, 17:35

Ukraine: processors have to beforehand finish cucumber procurement

The current season has been not easy for the producers of canned cucumber.

Shortage of raw material and high prices caused that many enterprises had to revise their plans on cucumber processing towards decreasing. To date, only singular plants procure cucumber. The others, lost any hope to acquire raw material at acceptable prices, have to finish purchases of cucumber beforehand.

This situation, according to the opinion of the specialists of “Fruit-Inform” project will certainly affect the prices for canned products. The enterprises have not yet summarized results of their work, however, according to the preliminary estimates, this year the prices will rise by 30-50% at least due to high cost of raw material for canned cucumbers.

The peak of rise in prices will fall to the winter period, at that, some specialists consider that the prices for premium-class products within New Year holidays may exceed last years’ by two times.

The leading industry specialists will discuss the problems of fruit and vegetable industry of Ukraine and Russia during the Third International Conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2008” and the Fifth International Conference “Vegetables and Fruits of Ukraine 2008”.

Detailed information about the conferences is presented here. Let us remind that the companies, prepaying their participation in any of theses conference till the beginning of September, will have discounts!

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