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December 23 2002, 16:51 APK-Inform

Russia: livestock industry statistics in November

According to State Statistics Committee of Russian Federation, as of December 1, 2002 head of livestock in all categories of Russian farming businesses constituted 27.1 million (1.1 percent down from the same date last year), including 11.9 million cows (3.6 percent down), 17.8 million pigs (6 percent up), 16.2 million sheep and goats (5.1 percent up).

In the structure of livestock head individual owners were responsible for 41.9 percent of the total cattle, 44.5 percent of pigs, 63.8 percent of sheep and goats (corresponding figures as of December 1, 2001 were 40.2, 45.2 and 64.6 percent).

In November this year production of animals and poultry for slaughter in all categories of agricultural businesses constituted 1 million tonnes - up from October by 200,000 tonnes, that of milk - 1.7 million tonnes (2.2 million tonnes in October), that of eggs - 2.6 billion (2.8 billion eggs were produced in October).

For the whole period from January to November farmers produced 6.2 million tonnes of animals and poultry for slaughter, 31.8 million tonnes of milk, 33.3 billion eggs.

As of December 1 this year provision of livestock with feeds in organised agricultural businesses of Russia per one conventional head was less by 6.1 percent than as of the same date the year before. The figure is 1.39 tonne per head.

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