Tatarstan: potato harvest reached 81.600 tonnes
As of September 19, 2008, 81.600 tonnes of potatoes were harvested in Tatarstan. According to the Ministry of agrarian production , the crop was harvested throughout 3550 hectares, which totals 32 % from the forecast, reported “Tatar-inform”.
The average yield through the republic totaled 230 c/ha, as compared to the same data of the previous year – 190 c/ha.
The highest results were reached by the growers of Apastov region – they harvested 8.100 tonnes of potatoes with the average yield at 318 c/ha. The same yield was reached by the growers of Kukmorsk region, the harvest totaled 11.400 tonnes of potatoes.
The growers of Baltasinsk region produced 10.200 tonnes of potatoes with the average yield at 242 c/ha. In Paishevsk region production totaled 7.300 tonnes and yield reached 210 c/ha.