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January 2 2003, 15:04 Interfax-Ukraine

Russia sets up meat quotas

Russia's government commission on protective measures in foreign trade and customs and tariff policy has taken a decision about introducing import quota on beef in the amount of 420,000 tonnes, the Minister for Economic Development German Gref told reporters.

The import duty within this quota will stay at the amount of 15 percent of customs value but no less than 0.15 euro per kilo. The beef imported outside the quota will be taxed with a 60 percent import duty but no less than 0.6 euro per kilo.

It has been also decided to introduce quota on pork imports in the amount of 450,000 tonnes per year. Pork, imported within the quota, will be imposed with a duty, equal to 15 percent of customs value but no less than 0.25 euro per kilo. The commission decided that pork imports outside the quota would be charged with an 80 percent quota but no less than 1.06 euro per kilo.

Gref has informed that this decision will take effect a month after publishing corresponding governmental decree.

He noted that the measure would, on the one hand, not allow price increase for beef and pork in the Russian market, but on the other hand, will stimulate domestic production of these goods.

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