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September 26 2008, 09:10

Russia: prices for vegetables, fruits and products increase in 4 times than in EU

According to the Federal Service of state statistics of Russia, during eight months of 2008 the pace of rise in prices for foodstuff, including vegetables, exceeded the pace of price increase in the countries of EU by four times, LIGABusinessInform reported.

The prices for produce and service increased by 0.4 % during the month, since the beginning of the year the increase has totaled 9.7 %, as compared to EU – on an average the prices decreased by 0.1 % during the month, since the beginning of the year the prices have increased by 2.3%.

In August the changes in prices were caused by the mass entry of the new year harvest to the market. During the month the prices for foodstuffs in Russia decreased by 0.5 % (compared to EU- down 0.6 % on an average). But since the beginning of the year the prices have increased by 12.2 % (by 3 % respectively).

Regarding the EU, since the beginning of the current year the most significant increase in prices was observed on the markets of bakery produce and cereals – by 5.5 %. Prices for fruits, jams, sugar, honey, chocolate and sweets increased by 3.2 – 3.5 %, oils and fats – 5.3 %, meat and meat foods – 4.1 %.

In Russia the most significant increase in prices was observed on the markets of vegetables – by 19 %, sugar, jam, honey, chocolate, sweets and meat and meat foods – by13.7 % and 12.5 ,% respectively. The prices for fruits and bakery produce and cereals increased by 5.9 % and 21.6 %, repsectively.

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