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September 25 2008, 17:12

Tatarstan: more than 146.000 tonnes of potatoes harvested

As of September 24, 146.700 of potatoes were harvested in the Republic of Tatarstan. The potatoes were harvested throughout 6.500 ha, or 57 % of the plan, reported the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia. Last year, 37 % of areas were harvested. The average yield throughout the Republic totals 225 c/ha.

In Kukmorsk region 22.300 tonnes of potatoes were harvested, in Baltasinsk region – 19.600 tonnes, Laishevsk region – 13.700 tonnes, Arsk region – 12.200 tonnes. The harvest has been completely finished in Aksybaevsk, Bavlinsk, Mendeleevsk, Menzelinsk, Sarmanovsk, Spassk regions.

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