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September 29 2008, 08:36

Ukraine: prices for carrot and beet started rising

According to the information provided by the specialists of Fruit-Inform project, prices for roots started rising in almost all regions of Ukraine. According to the most producers, the main reason of price increasing is a rainy weather that halted the harvesting campaign in the most farms of the country.

At the moment, the traders declare prices for carrot within a range of $0.06 – 0.10/kg, the selling prices for beet total $0.04 – 0.07/kg, up the last week by 37 % and 55 %, respectively .

You can get the results of fruit and vegetable harvesting in Russia and Ukraine and the prior forecast for 2009 during the largest conferences in the CIS: the Third International Conference "Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia - 2008" and the Fifth International Conference "Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2008".

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