Ukraine: Crimea to form stocks of fruit and vegetable produce and potatoes
As Fruit-Inform project reported earlier, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea passed a resolution “About supplying the population of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea with fruit and vegetable produce and potatoes” on September 24.
According to the resolution, activities on forming the regional stocks of fruit and vegetable produce and potatoes, which were produced on the peninsula and beyond its bounds , at the expense of credits given by the commercial banks, on the basis of storage agreements with direct agrarian commodity producers, will be organized in the Crimea.
Thus, the volumes of forming the stocks of potatoes in the Crimea will total 244.416 tonnes, vegetables, melons and gourds – 317.347 tonnes, fruit, berries and grape – 177.400 tonnes, reported KIA. According to the explanatory note of the resolution, the agrarian potential of the Crimea is able to meet requirements of population on potatoes at the level of 77 %, vegetables, melons and gourds – 68 %, fruit, berries and grape – 85.5 %.
As it is reported in the explanatory note, this resolution was passed in order not to allow economically ungrounded rise in prices for fruit and vegetable produce.